$9.50/HR(pay as you go)
- Find my VA
- Self Manage by the Office
- Remote Work Person
- Fully Integrated into your Software
Phase 1 of our Process
Starting at $1920 for 4 weeks
- Inbound Phone Support
- Make and Modified Appointments
- Answer and Delegate all Inbound Calls
- Respond to all Faxes
- Respond to all Emails
- Respond to all Text Messages
Phase 1, 2, 3, 4 of our process
Starting at $2400 for 4 weeks
- Everything in Deluxe
- Recalls
- Insurance Verification & Eligibility with Deductible & Co-Insurance Information
- Confirmation of Exams
- Reconciliation of Remittances / EOB into Practice Software
Phase 1, 2, 3, 4 of our process