Customer Service Outsourcing | Marietta, Georgia


$9.50/HR(pay as you go)

  • Find my VA
  • Self Manage by the Office
  • Remote Work Person
  • Fully Integrated into your Software
  • Phase 1 of our Process
    information icon

    Phase I:

    Source Candidates Evaluate Candidates Based on Client Need Hire Candidate Access to My Business Care Team Academy
Book a Discovery Call


Starting at $1920 for 4 weeks

  • Inbound Phone Support
  • Make and Modified Appointments
  • Answer and Delegate all Inbound Calls
  • Respond to all Faxes
  • Respond to all Emails
  • Respond to all Text Messages
  • Phase 1, 2, 3, 4 of our process
    information icon

    Phase I

    Source Candidates Evaluate Candidates Based on Client Need Hire Candidate Access to My Business Care Team Academy

    Phase II

    Culture Training English Training Process Specific Training Industry Training

    Phase III

    Quality Metrics Service Level Metrics Productivity Metrics Ramp to Full Productivity

    Phase IV

    On going Monitoring On going Management On going Reporting
Book a Discovery Call


Starting at $2400 for 4 weeks

  • Everything in Deluxe
  • Recalls
  • Insurance Verification & Eligibility with Deductible & Co-Insurance Information
  • Confirmation of Exams
  • Reconciliation of Remittances / EOB into Practice Software
  • Phase 1, 2, 3, 4 of our process
    information icon

    Phase I

    Source Candidates Evaluate Candidates Based on Client Need Hire Candidate Access to My Business Care Team Academy

    Phase II

    Culture Training English Training Process Specific Training Industry Training

    Phase III

    Quality Metrics Service Level Metrics Productivity Metrics Ramp to Full Productivity

    Phase IV

    On going Monitoring On going Management On going Reporting
Book a Discovery Call
man smiling and looking at the camera