Reviews for Managing Online Reputations in Optometry

Taming the Review Beast: Managing Online Reputations in Optometry

Online reviews and ratings hold tremendous influence over an optometry practice’s reputation and ability to attract new patients. Over 72% of consumers consult reviews before choosing a healthcare provider, which means optometry reputation management can have a significant impact on the success of your practice. This makes proactively managing your online reputation critical for any optometry office looking to grow. The good news is that with some focused effort, you can turn online reviews into valuable feedback for improving your practice while showcasing your commitment to patients. This article provides actionable tips for monitoring review sites, encouraging positive feedback, gracefully handling negative patient reviews, and implementing changes that strengthen your operations and brand. By following this advice, you can take control of your online reputation and use it as a tool for practice success.

Claiming and Monitoring Review Sites

The first critical step in managing your online reputation is to claim your practice’s profiles on major review platforms like Google My Business, Facebook, and Yelp. This allows you to access important controls like verifying that information is accurate, responding to reviews, and sharing updates.

To claim your Google Business Profile, search for your practice on Google and look for the box on the right side that contains your business information. Click “Own this business?” and follow the prompts to submit verification documents and claim the profile. 

For Yelp, search for your practice and click “Claim this Business.” You’ll need to provide info to confirm you are the owner. Once claimed, you can update details, add photos, respond to reviews, and track impressions.

Facebook also allows Pages for businesses that you can claim with proof of ownership. This gives you access to respond to reviews and cultivate your presence.

Once claimed, monitor these sites regularly to stay on top of new reviews and information. Set email or app alerts for new reviews so you don’t miss anything important. Keeping a close eye protects your brand and identifies areas for improvement.

Encouraging Patient Reviews 

While you can’t explicitly offer incentives, you can certainly encourage satisfied patients to leave positive reviews that boost your credibility.

At the end of exams or consultations, let patients know you invite feedback and provide cards with links and QR codes to review sites. A polite prompt as they leave often results in reviews.

For a wider reach, post a call for reviews on social media. Explain reviews help other patients find you and share links to sites. Engage your audience by asking what they enjoy most about your services.

Follow up via email with pleased patients, thanking them for visiting. Include links to review platforms and kindly ask them to share their experience if willing.

The key is making review requests warm, polite invitations, not overly promotional demands. Thoughtful prompts show you value patient perspectives.

Responding to Reviews

Reviews require thoughtful responses to showcase your commitment to patients. For positive reviews, a simple thank you goes a long way. Reply promptly to negative reviews without getting defensive. Acknowledge their concerns and apologize for any disappointments. Explain how you will address any issues raised to improve their experience specifically and your services broadly.

Without disclosing protected health information, assure the patient their feedback is valued and taken seriously. Convey a sincere willingness to earn back their trust. Other patients will recognize your dedication to making things right.

Craft response templates to easily modify for common complaints like long wait times or billing issues. State the problem, then outline the steps you are taking to resolve it. Proof responses to ensure a polite, empathetic tone.

The goal is transforming negative experiences into opportunities to demonstrate care and your eagerness to improve. Don’t overreact to every negative review, but be prepared to adjust when trends become clear. Patients will appreciate a provider who sees critiques as a chance to get better. For a more in depth take, Hug Your Haters is a great read about the importance of embracing negative feedback and how to respond in kind.

Making Changes Based on Feedback

Once you’ve responded to the claims, it’s appropriate to consider them and look for opportunities to improve your practice and your support. For example, if multiple reviews cite long appointment wait times, analyze your scheduling approach objectively. Are appointment lengths too short to accommodate patients’ full needs? Is your daily patient volume higher than your staff can realistically accommodate? Make sensible adjustments like slightly extending appointment slots or optimizing patient flow to boost efficiency. Follow up with dissatisfied patients to inform them of these improvements.

Or, if billing issues arise repeatedly, take a close look at your statements for clarity and your collection process for problems. Revise paperwork that patients found confusing, retrain staff on billing procedures, and be more proactive in catching errors early. Greater billing accuracy benefits patients and your bottom line.

Treat reviews not just as criticism but as a success gauge. The more improvements you actualize based on feedback, the more positive experiences patients will have at your practice. This organic, customer-driven enhancement cycle is reputation gold and mutually benefits your patients and your optometry business.

Demonstrating through actions that you actively listen, care, and adapt to patient input showcases your commitment to excellence. It also encourages satisfied patients to share their positive experiences. Improving based on reviews can transform your online reputation and practice.

Leveraging Positive Reviews

Positive reviews are valuable assets that can significantly enhance your online visibility and be part of your clinic’s broader digital marketing. By featuring these reviews on a dedicated “Testimonials” page on your website, you not only showcase your practice’s excellence but also enrich your site’s content, which is a boon for SEO. Consider sharing each positive online review on your social media channels to further foster trust and engagement among your patient community.

Moreover, reviews laden with relevant keywords can bolster your local search rankings. Encourage satisfied patients to mention specific services or attributes of your practice, which can, in turn, improve your ranking for related search queries. This strategic utilization of positive reviews not only elevates your online reputation but underscores a transparent and patient-centered ethos, aligning well with potential patients.

Effectively managing your online reputation as an optometry practice requires consistency and thoughtful effort. But the rewards of glowing patient feedback and new patient growth are well worth it. By monitoring review sites vigilantly, responding to feedback promptly, and turning critiques into real operational improvements, you show patients and potential customers your dedication to their eye care experience. This article provided key strategies to claim your profiles, encourage reviews, address criticisms constructively, and become a better practice based on input. With a commitment to soliciting patient perspectives and implementing changes, you can transform your online reputation into an invaluable asset that keeps your practice thriving.


About Ankit Patel

Ankit Patel is the founder of My Business Care Team. He and his wife started Classic Vision Care – a full-service optometry group in Atlanta, GA. He found that hiring good help was hard and so decided to see what tasks could be moved off-site to somewhere that had a better labor pool. He found the Philippines as a great source of very talented people who are willing to work and are relatively inexpensive to the local job market. He works with his Filipino partners to build out a team of phone representatives, back office admin tasks, insurance verification, insurance billing and filling, insurance posting, virtual assistants, and soft collections. LinkedIn:
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